We made the trek down to Phoenix this year for Christmas and then tacked on a trip to San Francisco to see Roger and Hillarys new house. Here is the Phoenix portion of that marathon trip. I was so relieved to not have anything on my plate that I didnt really take as many picture as I should have. We all got together for marshmallow roasting around the fire pit. I find it funny that my parents opted out of the pool this go round and put in a fire pit! (do you think they forgot they live in Phoenix?) It was actually a lot of fun and I dont mind not having a pool that the kids could drown in.

I know Christmas is not about the gifts but how fun does that pile look! This was the night that we shared gifts between the sibling and parents. We also had some fun family games including our anual white elephant exchange.

Here is Grandma trying out Grandpas new gift. They built a fun sidewalk that surrounds the yard so we thought this would be a perfect gift for them. (I know they go out and have races when all the grandkids go home)

Grandmas best gift was the turbin towels for all the girls.

Christmas eve finally came and it was nice that it was just us and Grandpa and Grandma. Here is the traditional pajama opening that night.

We woke up the next morning and opened our gifts then headed out the next day. A few other things that heppened during the week, the trip to the Mesa Temple which turned out to be rainy and cold we were only there for about 10 minutes before we packed up and headed back to the house. We hate being left out of anything so when we came upon a large group of cars that had flat tires we joined right along by hitting the large piece of wood in the road which resulted in the need to replace the tire and the rim....again. We left grandma with one last gift from Abby, the stomach flu....SORRY!