Saturday, October 2, 2010

A birthday haunting

I had started to plan Cassies tea party bithday when she came home from school and said I want a Halloween party! Well I thought that should be easy so lets do it! Cassie was a vampire, I looked like a drag queen but was supposed to be a witch.
We had fairies and pirates and even a mummy and a bat!

The crazy weather was awesome, we knew there was a chance of rain but there wasnt a cloud in the sky so we set up outside and at 5 on the dot the clouds came in and the rain came down and down and down. So we did what we could inside and then I sent them out to play in the rain. It actually added to the experience. Cassie had a great birthday party and even journaled about it at school that next week. She wrote "I know my mommy loves me because she gave me a fun party." That made it all worth it!

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