Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day to our Over Achiever

I have decided that Ryan is our over achiever. He woke up this morning not his usual happy self. So we changed him, fed him, dressed him, cuddled him, gave him some milk......nothing. He was still crabby and crying. All day he has been just cranky, what we like to call a "Crabby Patty". So on the way home from lunch as he was crying yet again I got a peek into his mouth and found ALL FOUR MOLARS BREAKING THROUGH! They certainly were not there yesterday so in the last 12 hours he has started working on all of his back molars. The top ones are peeking out and the bottoms are just huge mounds of swollen gums. But you can see the teeth just ready to come ripping through at any time. So happy Valentine Day to Booza you got four new teeth!


Jen Hilton said...

Poor goose! I think Adam is on his way their too. He's been fiercely biting everything. I just hope another kid doesn't end up between those chompers.

Carbonneau said...

Poor guy! Nathan just cut his top two recently and two was bad enough...but 4?! ouch! does he like popsicles?

Mom at Our House said...

Wow he is an over achiever. It makes you wonder how his teens are going to be! Scary.

PS I love the new background of your blog. So cute